I created this blog for you, the residents of Century Village, to make your voices known! The goal of the blog is to make your compliments and concerns known to all. Give us your comments on topics that you would like discussed at Synergy Club meetings, issues you would like addressed by WPRF and/or UCO. Do you get the help you need? Are your questions answered? You are more than welcome to spread the blog link to all of your friends and family throughout the village to give them an opportunity to speak as well! The only rules are – no profanity, be respectful, no inappropriate language. That’s it! Note – topics will not immediately appear after submission until cleared for the rules above. We want everyone to have a pleasant blog experience.

Take The Property Management Survey!

Many of our neighbors have expressed dissatisfaction with their current property management companies. There are other alternatives! 

In the interest of assisting Boards with other options, we need to find out exactly what our owners like or don’t like about their current company and why. 

The best way to do this is to take a survey that we can present to companies who can fulfill those needs more efficiently, and hopefully give us a better price as well! If there are enough Boards that are willing to make a change for better and more professional service, we can ask for a bulk discount rate! 

If you are interested in providing your thoughts, your fellow owners would love to hear about it! It will take only a couple of minutes, and your personal info will remain anonymous.  We’ll present the results of the survey at our Synergy Club meetings and post them on the Blog…

CV Property Management Services Questionnaire
First Name
Last Name
Who do you currently use as your property management company?
How long have you been under contract with your current property management company?
What is your satisfaction level with your current property management company?
What do you like best about your current property management company? (Select all that apply)
If you are unhappy with your property management company, why? (Select all that apply)
Are you open to changing to a different property management company?
What is your single most important requirement you look for in a property management company?
What is your next most important requirement you look for in a property management company?
What is the third most important requirement you look for in a property management company?

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